750words utilities

February 11, 2013

750.pl is a simple Perl script which can be used as a helper to set crossposting to or from 750words.com. It either gets the current entry from your 750words.com account and saves it into a local file, or posts a local file as the current entry (overwriting its contents). Usage for get: 750.pl get filename […]


Daily Pages

February 9, 2013

The idea of daily pages is borrowed from 750words.com, which, in turn, borrows it from “The Artist’s Way” by J. Cameron (“morning pages”). Basically, writing a certain amount of words every day is supposed to positively affect your mental state and creativity in the long run, even if your writings are merely incoherent ramblings. (It’s […]



February 7, 2013

Arachnoid is an Arkanoid/Breakout clone with a twist – instead of bricks, there are spiders crawling all over the place! There are several kinds of spiders with different abilities, as well as other obstacles and bonuses. The game is written in Python/Pygame. Graphics are adopted from several sources (see this post with the links). Click […]


Graphic resources

February 7, 2013

Here are links to several excellent sites providing free graphics which can be used for games, etc. * http://opengameart.org * http://www.mayang.com/textures * http://infobrink.com/free-animated-explosion-on-transparent-background * http://wrathgames.com/blog * http://www.alegriphotos.com * http://www.publicdomainpictures.net * http://www.crazy3dsmax.com * http://www.clker.com * http://www.clipartsfree.net